Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Trying to trim your grocery bill?

Coupons are your friend -- seriously.  So is your grocery list, and reading your area store specials.  No, you don't have to drive all over town to get a good deal.  Just look at the specials for stores you pass on the way home - or shop at anyway.  I fill prescriptions at a chain drug store (CVS)  - so I browse their specials.  They are 5 minutes from my house, so it isn't a big deal - I use my store card and save big on items I need anyway.  Those extra care bucks really add up - especially when used with coupons.
I normally shop at one grocery store - that will accept store coupons from other stores and double manufacture's coupons.  I usually save 25-30.00 a week on my shopping.

The biggest myth to coupons is they are all for junk.  Not true.  If you google the coupon you are looking for you will probably find it.  I download the majority of my coupons from,,, and  All of these sites are free and you can print 2 copies of each coupon.  I usually try to buy a Sunday Paper, but not always.  I usually am able to get all the coupons I need weekly from the internet.  If you are in the south - another great site is  This great site lists ALL the sales in grocery stores in the south -- with links to their printable coupons!  Doesn't get much easier than that.

Make your coupon binder - use a 3 ring binder and trading card pages.  You can usually find these in your local mega store - or in a trading card store.  I organize mine by the aisles in the grocery store - but do what works best for you.  I have dividers placed in my binder telling me which coupons are in each section.  When I make my list, I pull out the coupons and put them in the front pocket.  Easy.  All I do is take my binder to the grocery store with my list.

I don't spend hours a week doing this -- I usually do it on Sunday's while I am watching TV.  Let me know how the system works for you -- money saved on groceries is money you can spend elsewhere!

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